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Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wird das Treffen vom 7. Mai verschoben.

Der neue Termin wird rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben. 


Vortragsabend mit Prof. Robert R. Clewis am 07.05.2020

Am 7. Mai 2020 wird Robert R. Clewis (Professor der Philosophie an der Gwynedd Mercy University, USA) sein Buch "Kant‘s Humorous Writings" vorstellen.



Gasthaus Leonhardt (Souterrain)

Stuttgarter Platz 21 (nahe S-Bahnhof Charlottenburg)

10627 Berlin

Tel. 030 37 59 11 06


Beginn: 18:30 Uhr


Prof. Clewis wird seinen Vortrag auf Englisch halten. Was Sie am 7. Mai erwartet:


Drawing from his forthcoming book Kant’s Humorous Writings, Robert R. Clewis will give an overview of Kant on humor and share some of his jokes. His account of humor shares elements with three major theories of humor, and also contains his own original contribution, mental play theory. He will then raise three main issues. Does laughter in response to humor (such as a joke) count as a pure aesthetic judgment? Technically, it does not. Yet, if we assume that the response to humor can lead to a pure aesthetic judgment, it would be, so he suggests, analogous to the judgments on the sublime and the beautiful. Finally, he will discuss how Kant’s account of humor and laughter fits in with his broader philosophical aims.


Robert R. Clewis is Professor of Philosophy at Gwynedd Mercy University, Pennsylvania, and currently a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt. Awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and the 2018 Wilfrid Sellars Prize of the North American Kant Society, he is the author of The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom (2009) and a translator in Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology (2012). He edited The Sublime Reader (2019) and Reading Kant’s Lectures (2015). He just completed Kant’s Humorous Writings and is currently writing a book on the origins of Kant’s aesthetic theory in relation to debates in modern European philosophy. His contemporary philosophical work engages with recent psychological studies of awe and the sublime.



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